Ok, so life isn't that fair for each and everyone of us.... We complain, we whine, we scream n we cry but just wait a moment and think, does any one of this ever helping u or ruining ur health better....
Something that happened to me yesterday....
I was sooooooo furious over some issues that happened related to work and I kinda blast it off to a bestie of mine where i said things that I should have never said it or maybe it is something that I would never say.... Which did hurt her but being a nicest person, she truly understood my situation n took it like a big girl(errrr, ok tat didn't sound superb.....).
But then again, you can't use that as an excuse and get away with it... You have to apologize and make up to it... As, it is already too much for a person to listen to ur nonsense and just make it worse by saying things u shouldn't say to the one who's hearing you.... You have to stop being a jerk and amend those atttitudes which would make others hate you......
That's part of life... Mistakes... If we don't do it, we never learn it and change to be a better person....